How to Install Pop up Plug Socket?

It is the age of minimalist elegance. Nothing says it better than a clutter free smooth worktop or surface. Especially in locations such as a kitchen where it is necessary to make cooking as simple as possible. The presence of wires dangling all over the place, are not just an eyesore, but a great hazard to all occupants of the residence. It does not make cooking any easier, when having to contend with sockets and plugs and wires which may not be required all of the time. However, there is a need for sockets in kitchens and all other locations, and it is necessary to have easy access to sockets when necessary. Pop up Sockets are the answer to having access to sockets ‘on demand’. The few installation tips given below will help to get the sockets fixed right.

How does the socket work?

Pop up sockets are concealed sockets that are pop up when required and pushed back into recessed areas within the kitchen top when not in use. Post installation, the surface of a kitchen top will appear straight and smooth without raised surfaces. Whenever required, the top of the pop up socket needs to be pressed to get the spring-loaded socket to ‘pop up’ smoothly, permitting access to 13 amp sockets and USB ports for charging. Some models also allow you to close the socket down while in use! After use, the top needs to be gently pushed back in to get the socket out of sight. It is as simple as a ‘press to open, press again to close’ option, which is a progression of a ‘pull to open, push to close model.

Actual installation

Installation is actually a simple task that does not require complicated tools. The right spot needs to be identified for installation. This should ideally be close to an existing power source. It is essential that the chosen spot permits gadgets or appliances or mobiles to be placed easily. The right size hole needs to be then drilled with the help of a hole saw. Ideally, the hole should be drilled from underneath to the surface. This will give a perfect fit, and help to fix the pop up socket in the right place. The pop up socket needs to be then fitted into place, and plugged into the power source. 


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